
Katy Sudano

Katy Sudano is the wife of Dr. Sudano, the mother of five amazing, healthy, and beautiful kids. She is a certified technician of BrainCore Neurofeedback and also coaches individuals in health and success in their lives through strategic life coaching skills where she trained and received her certification under the Robbins-Madanes Training with Tony Robbins. She manages all administrative, marketing, and events in their office in Milton, GA. She published her first book, "Truth Gives Strength To Wings" which has become an Amazon Bestseller in 3 categories. Her book is about faith, love, and finding happiness through adversity.

She has been an advocate for preventing child sexual abuse and has volunteered her time at Angela’s Voice. She has been a model, and actor for Real People Models and Talent for many years. She was on the Local Advisory Council (LSAC) for Fulton County Schools. She speaks 4 languages and is passionate about helping people.
